I am a registered Dietitian practicing from a HAES & fat positive lens. I feel strongly about taking a health at every size & anti diet approach in my nutrition counseling. I use this lens with counseling for basic nutrition & relationship to food as well as medical nutrition therapy like managing diabetes, GI issues, hypertension, PCOS, hyperlipidemia & more. I am certified in Intuitive Eating & have experience in community health & acute care clinical nutrition. I want to help people who have suffered from body image issues, disordered eating & a turbulent relationship with food to nourish their bodies in a way that is supportive & non toxic. Most of these issues start early in life & are carried with us throughout. This stems from poor body image & lack of trust in our own body knowledge due to living in a culture rampant with conflicting & confusing nutrition & “health advice” in the media & all around us. My goal is to help people stop feeling helpless & stressed around food, especially when compared to unrealistic media “standards” & the intense stress that this imposes on all of us in our eating culture.

I want to help bring people back to their own innate abilities to listen to and work with their bodies & to stop the battle with food.  When it comes to food, exercise and over all nourishment, we can all find what works for us as individuals by getting back to basics and tuning into our internal needs rather than the external requirements of diets. I want to empower & encourage my clients to get curious about their own needs & help to provide a safe framework & structure to be able to do so. We can find ways to optimize overall well being by incorporating healthy nutrition & movement habits that are body positive, sustainable & non restrictive.

Hi, I’m Charlotte —

We often define goals and progress based on external expectations. Work with me to turn down the volume of expectations, and tune in to you.

Food, nutrition and bodies are intersections that can cause so much pain, frustration and confusion. 

I do believe these intersections can be sources of joy, strength, understanding and compassion if we quiet the deafening noise that traps us into believing that there is always something better and/or different from what we are currently doing to keep ourselves well. 

I know that it can always seem like there is a better, smarter or more optimized routine out there. 

I am here to quiet this frenzy. I am here to simplify what has become a polarizing part of our world:

The foods we eat and how we feel about them. 

The bodies we live in and how we feel in it. 

I want to simplify food so you can invest in parts of your life that do make a difference in how you feel, socially, emotionally, physically.

I lead with kindness, non-judgment, and curiosity as a path toward greater self-knowledge and empowerment. 

I am comfortable sitting in the in-between as we explore current and past behaviors and consider next steps together. 

I look forward to working together toward your goals! 

Hi, I’m Natalie —

What is Intuitive Eating (IE)?

When you first hear about IE it can easily sound like only eat when you are hungry and stop when you’re full BUT IE is SO MUCH MORE than that, in fact that mind set is basically a diet. IE is full of nuance and is meant to be used as a tool/framework to help guide each individual into THEIR ideal relationship to food through their unique experience and needs. IE is a framework to help people get off the diet roller coaster and work towards getting back to being in touch with their body's internal signals rather than being completely reliant on external rules that almost always ultimately fail us. IE aims to help individuals learn to feed themselves without fear, guilt, shame or uncertainty and rather help empower people to feel like they can approach nutrition and exercise with ease and meet THEIR unique needs with confidence. It is not saying you HAVE to eat a donut or you CANNOT eat a salad, it is saying you have the right to discuss which of those you want without the influence of arbitrary and unhelpful food rules and judgment. And most importantly, learning to do this without guilt, shame and rigid rules.

IE is about learning to trust yourself AND your body. This means learning to trust your body  when it sends you messages regarding needs BUT ALSO trusting yourself to make appropriate decisions regarding these messages.


What Intuitive Eating is NOT?

There are a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to IE. It commonly gets turned into the “you can only eat when your hungry diet”. Or is marketed as an “eat only junk food diet”. The truth is, because of how we have all internalized diet culture messaging when someone hears you can eat what you want - they take that to mean “eat only donuts and ice cream until the end of time”. This is not accurate & ignores the vast complexity of IE and the nuance required for individuals to learn how to feed themselves without judgement and with care. IE is not an anti weight loss framework, it is not an anti dieter framework and it is not an anti nutrition framework. What IE is is an anti shame, anti guilt and anti rigidity framework that helps you untangle this deeply internalized diet culture messages.

What is a non-diet/anti-diet/HAES approach?

The HAES movement was started during the civil rights movement in the 60’s as a response to racism, fat phobia and weight stigma. In 1973 a group made up of fat therapists created the feminist group The Fat Underground. The was a collective of fat folks radicalizing the space of therapy to focus on eating disorders, unpack fat phobia, and interrogate the health care industrial complex that so often marginalizes fat people for just being fat.The Fat Underground implicates the medical field and confronts them as perpetrators of fat phobia. the HAES movement has long been supported and worked by radical feistiest in the BIPOC and queer communities and still is to this day, without these communities we would not have the supportive and functional framworkswork to use to support our clients to this day. the ahes momvment was started during the civilize right momevemtn but a femtist group called the fat underground


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Do you take Insurance?

Not currently. However, we would be happy to provide you with a Superbill that you can submit to your health insurance company or use toward a Health Saving Account (HSA), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), or for tax purposes. 

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